Hiring out help when it comes to your finances can be a significant relief, but that doesn’t mean that it doesn’t come with concerns. It’s important to understand that the need to safeguard your finances arises when you hire a bookkeeper or staffer to help. There are easy steps that can be taken to ensure that you’re protecting your finances and personal information from others who have access to it. Here are the best ways that you can be sure that your money is staying safe and secure when working with those outside of your business or home.

Quickbooks Software Pricing Increase
Recently, Quickbooks announced a pricing increase for Quickbooks online software. The price increase will begin July 15th for new customers, or August 1st for existing customers. However, if you have a membership through your accounting firm, the increase will begin September 1st.

3 Reasons Small Businesses Prefer to Outsource Their Bookkeeping
If you are not growing as fast as you would like or struggling to keep up with the daily operations then freeing up some time may be needed. Try outsourcing your bookkeeping to a trained bookkeeping staff.

Benefits of Remote Bookkeeping
If you don’t have a physical business, your business is online, or you just aren’t sure that you want to bring in a physical bookkeeper to your office, a virtual bookkeeper can be a great option. Virtual bookkeeping allows your bookkeeper to handle your finances remotely, which can be beneficial for both the business and the bookkeeper! Here is what it’s like to work with a virtual bookkeeper, and some of the benefits of remote bookkeeping.

Which Bookkeeping Software Is Best?
There are so many different types of bookkeeping software out there. With hundreds of different accounting and bookkeeping software on the market today, it can be challenging to determine which one you should be using for your business. In our search for the best bookkeeping software, we looked at various factors to not only compare them but find the best one overall!Want to know which bookkeeping software is the best? Let’s dive in!

Why You Should Outsource Your Bookkeeping
Bookkeeping could give you so much time and money with your business. While doing your own bookkeeping in house may help you pinch some pennies, the time and stress you lose just won’t be worth it!

Why you shouldn’t commingle business and personal expenses
If you’ve ever spoken with a business owner, then you likely get the same recommendation as to what you should do when starting up a business. They will all suggest keeping their business and personal assets separate. However, not everyone […]

What to expect when you hire a bookkeeper for the first time
Should you hire a bookkeeper? Or does it make more sense for you to keep doing your own bookkeeping? This is a question that business owners are often faced with as their business starts to grow.

Bookkeeping mistakes that are screwing up your finances
As a business owner, it can be tempting to try and do all of the bookkeeping yourself; however, it doesn’t take long before things get messed up!

Are accounting and bookkeeping the same thing?
As a professional bookkeeper, it’s always common to get mixed up with accountants. People ask me all the time, what is the difference between a bookkeeper and an accountant? For starters, no, they are not the same thing. What they […]